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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - hour


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в соч.

hours per lot — время обработки партии деталей, период обработки партии деталей

capacity hoursin-cut hourslabor hourmachine hourmachining houroperator hourregime-running hoursrunning hourstotal capacity hoursunattended hours

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См. в других словарях

  noun  1) час at an early hour - рано to keep early/good hours - рано вставать и рано ложиться to keep late/bad hours - поздно вставать и поздно ложиться pay by the hour - почасовая оплата  2) определенное время дня dinner hour - обеденное время office hours - часы работы (в учреждении, конторе и т.п.) peak hours - часы пик the off hours - свободные часы after hours - после работы; после закрытия магазинов и т.п. out of hours - в нерабочее время the question of the hour - актуальный/злободневный вопрос till all hours - до петухов, до рассвета ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. час twenty-four hours —- сутки, 24 часа at hours work —- работы на час a 3 hour drive —- трехчасовая поездка an hour away —- в часе езды the small hours —- первые часы после полуночи; предрассветные часы he got up in the small hours —- он встал ни свет ни заря well on into the small hours —- далеко за полночь in an hour —- через час within the hour —- не позже чем через час, в течение (этого) часа for hours (on end), for hours and hours —- целыми часами after hour —- час за часом; с каждым часом hour by hour —- час за часом, каждый час every hour on the hour —- ам. каждый час (т. е. ровно в 6, 7, 8 часов и т. д.) every hour on the half-hour —- ровно в половине первого, второго trains leave every hour on the hour —- поезда отправляются в начале каждого часа by the hour —- почасовой (об оплате, о работе) at the eleventh hour —- в последнюю минуту to strike the hours —- отбивать часы; бить (о часах) it is two hours from New York to Philadelphia —- от Нью-Йорка до Филадельфии два часа езды 2. время, час, период, срок dinner hour —- обеденное время; обеденный перерыв dark hour —- тяжелый час; мрачное время unearthly hour —- крайне неудобное время; ни свет ни заря trying hour —- час испытаний; трудная минута rush hours —- часы пик off-peak hours —- непиковые часы the children's hour —- время, которое родители уделяют детям, "детский час" (обычно перед сном) what is the hour? —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сущ. 1) час 2) рабочий час • - business hours - by the hour - cost per hour - hours of attendance - hours of exchange - hours of work - irregular working hours - labour hours - machine hour - office hours - per hour - shortened working hours - work short hours HOUR сущ. 1) а) общ. час (как одна двадцать четвертая суток, состоящая из 60 минут) to show tell the hour — показывать время an hour's work — работы на час in an hour — через час paid by the hour — с почасовой оплатой, оплачиваемый на почасовой основе б) общ. час (как условно выделяемый отрезок времени) to keep late hours — сидеть допоздна, поздно ложиться спать early hours of the morning — предрассветные часы в) общ. час пути It was a small town about an hour away form Geneva. — Это был маленький городок приблизительно в часе пути от Женевы. 2) а) общ. час, период, время, срок (как определенный момент или интервал времени) dark hour — тяжелый час; мрачное время in the hour of danger — в минуту опасности the happiest hour of my life — счастливейшая минута моей жизни б) общ. время суток (условно оцененное); час (конкретное время суток в соответствии с принятой системой исчисления времени) at the hour of seven — в семь часов 3) а) общ. час, период, время (выделенное для какой-л. деятельности) leisure hours — часы досуга See: coffee hour, dinner hour, lunch hour б) мн., эк. тр. рабочее время, часы работы; рабочий день out of hours,...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  час, угол в 15* - constituent hour - flight hour - hour angle - hour circle - hour hand - output per hour - sidereal hour ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  час – heavy hours – hundred-circuit hours – mean-busy hour – network-busy hours – peak load hours – switch-busy hours – worst hours of the years HOUSE – facilities house – production house – radio house ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  час equivalent full-load operating hours labor hours budgeted labor hours expended ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  час - hour of observation - actinometric hour - actual hours - block hour - busy hours - climatological hour - crush hours - heavy hours - inverse hour - offpeak hours - on-bottom rotating hours - peak busy hours - peak hours - running hours - supplementary hour - synoptic hour - total engine hours ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a twenty-fourth part of a day and night, 60 minutes. 2 a time of day, a point in time (a late hour; what is the hour?). 3 (in pl. with preceding numerals in form 18.00, 20.30, etc.) this number of hours and minutes past midnight on the 24-hour clock (will assemble at 20.00 hours). 4 a a period set aside for some purpose (lunch hour; keep regular hours). b (in pl.) a fixed period of time for work, use of a building, etc. (office hours; opening hours). 5 a short indefinite period of time (an idle hour). 6 the present time (question of the hour). 7 a time for action etc. (the hour has come). 8 the distance traversed in one hour by a means of transport stated or implied (we are an hour from London). 9 RC Ch. a prayers to be said at one of seven fixed times of day (book of hours). b any of these times. 10 (prec. by the) each time o'clock of a whole number of hours (buses leave on the hour; on the half hour; at quarter past the hour). 11 Astron. 15° of longitude or right ascension. Phrases and idioms after hours after closing-time. hour-hand the hand on a clock or watch which shows the hour. hour-long adj. lasting for one hour. --adv. for one hour. till all hours till very late. Etymology: ME ure etc. f. AF ure, OF ore, eure f. L hora f. Gk hora season, hour ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ure, eure, from Late Latin & Latin; Late Latin hora canonical ~, from Latin, ~ of the day, from Greek hora — more at year  Date: 13th century  1. a time or office for daily liturgical devotion; especially canonical ~  2. the 24th part of a day ; 60 minutes  3.  a. the time of day reckoned in two 12-~ periods  b. plural the time reckoned in one 24-~ period from midnight to midnight using a 4-digit number of which the first two digits indicate the ~ and the last two digits indicate the minute in the military 4:30 p.m. is called 1630 ~s  4.  a. a customary or particular time lunch ~ in our ~ of need; also moment 1b hero of the ~  b. plural time of going to bed keeps late ~s; also time of working banker's ~s  5. an angular unit of right ascension equal to 15 degrees measured along the celestial equator  6. the work done or distance traveled at normal rate in an ~ the city was two ~s away  7.  a. a class session  b. credit ~, semester ~ HOURGLASS  I. noun  Date: circa 1515 an instrument for measuring time consisting of a glass vessel having two compartments from the uppermost of which a quantity of usually sand runs in an hour into the lower one  II. adjective  Date: circa 1834 shaped like an ~ an ~ figure ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (hours) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. An hour is a period of sixty minutes. They waited for about two hours... I only slept about half an hour that night. ...a twenty-four hour strike... N-COUNT 2. People say that something takes or lasts hours to emphasize that it takes or lasts a very long time, or what seems like a very long time. Getting there would take hours. N-PLURAL c darkgreen]emphasis 3. A clock that strikes the hour strikes when it is exactly one o’clock, two o’clock, and so on. N-SING: the N 4. You can refer to a particular time or moment as a particular hour. (LITERARY) ...the hour of his execution... = time N-SING: with supp 5. If you refer, for example, to someone’s hour of need or hour of happiness, you are referring to the time in their life when they are or were experiencing that condition or feeling. (LITERARY) ...the darkest hour of my professional life. N-COUNT: with supp 6. You can refer to the period of time during which something happens or operates each day as the hours during which it happens or operates. ...the hours of darkness... Phone us on this number during office hours. N-PLURAL: with supp 7. If you refer to the hours involved in a job, you are talking about how long you spend each week doing it and when you do it. I worked quite irregular hours... N-PLURAL 8. see eleventh hour see lunch hour see rush hour 9. If you do something after hours, you do it outside normal business hours or the time when you are usually at work. ...a local restaurant where steel workers unwind after hours... PHRASE: PHR after v, PHR n see also after-hours 10. If you say that something happens at all hours of the day or night, you disapprove of it happening at the time that it does or as often as it does. She didn’t want her fourteen-year-old daughter coming home at all hours of the morning. PHRASE: PHR after v c darkgreen]disapproval 11. If something happens in the early hours or in the small...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 60 MINUTES a period of 60 minutes. There are 24 hours in a day  (The flight to Moscow takes just over three hours. | Karen is paid $10 an hour. | in an hour/in an hour's time (=an hour from now))  (I'll be back in an hour. | an hour's work/wait etc)  (The system crashed and I lost three hours' work | pay/charge by the hour (=pay or charge someone according to the number of hours it takes to do something)) 2 »DISTANCE« the distance you can travel in an hour  (be an hour from)  (We're only an hour by car from New York. | an hour's drive/walk etc (=a distance that takes an hour to drive, walk etc))  (It's only about an hour's drive from here, isn't it?) 3 »TIMES FOR BUSINESS/WORK ETC« hours a fixed period of time in the day when a particular activity, business etc happens  (hours of business 9.00 - 5.00 | office/opening hours (=when an office or shop is working or open) | visiting hours (=when you can visit someone in hospital) | out of hours BrE (=before or after the usual working or business hours) | after hours (=after the time when a business, especially a bar, is supposed to close) | lunch/dinner hour (=the period in the middle of the day when people stop work for a meal))  (- see also rush hour, happy hour) 4 work long/regular etc hours if you work long, regular etc hours, the period that you work is longer than usual, always the same etc  (the long hours worked by hospital doctors | work unsocial hours (=work in the evenings so that you cannot spend time with family or friends) | work all the hours that God sends (=work all the time that you can)) 5 »TIME OF DAY« often plural a particular period or point of time during the day or night  (the small hours (=the period between midnight and two or three o'clock in the morning))  (The celebrations went on into the small hours. | the hours of darkness/daylight literary)  (Few people dared to venture out during the hours of darkness. | at this hour spoken (=used when you are surprised or annoyed by something happening too late at night or too early in the...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., from O.Fr. hore "one-twelfth of a day" (sunrise to sunset), from L. hora "hour, time, season," from Gk. hora. Greeks borrowed the notion of dividing the day into hours from the Babylonians, but the Babylonian hour was one-twelfth of the whole day and thus twice as long as a modern hour. The Greeks divided only the period of light into 12 parts, and the Romans adopted the system from them. Night was not similarly divided till much later, and thus the period of time covered by an hour varied according to the season. The h- has persisted in this word despite not being pronounced since Roman times. Replaced O.E. tid, lit. "time," and stund "period of time." Hourglass is from 1515. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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